كلمات الحب من اكتر و اجمل الحجات اللى بنحب نسمعها
و طبعا بندور على اجمل كلمات الحب عشان كده جبنا اليوم عبارات
انجليزى فى الحب جميله جدا.
A woman like a lamp that treated her gently will light your life,
and if you treat her harshly, she will electrify your life I do not want
you to
love me until death, love me even life, I do not want you to love
me forever, love me now
I want to wear your love, I want to enter into your vast space I
do not want to
enter into your golden cage Love is two people who laugh at the same things
and feel sad at the same moment without a prior agreement if you find true
.know that you have found life
عبارة عن الحب في الانجليزي